Nokia has announced the Lumia 510 in India. It comes with a 4-inch (800 x 480 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, 800 MHz Snapdragon S1 Processor and would come with a 5 Megapixel auto focus camera. It runs on Windows Phone 7.5 OS which is upgradable to Windows Phone 7.8 in future. Other features would be similar to the Nokia Lumia 610. It would let the users to access to social networks, which includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. It also comes with 3 months unlimited Nokia Music and Mix Radio.
Nokia Lumia 510 Specifications
- 4-inch (800 x 480 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display
- 800 MHz Snapdragon S1 processor
- Windows Phone 7.5 OS
- 5MP auto focus camera with VGA video recording at 30fps
- 11.5 mm thick and weighs 129 grams
- 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR, GPS/A-GPS
- FM Radio, 3.5mm audio jack
- 256MB RAM, 4GB internal memory
- 1300 mAh battery
It also comes with 7GB of SkyDrive cloud storage and comes in range of colors including red, yellow, cyan, white and black. The Nokia Lumia 510 would go on sale in India this Diwali. It is expected at Sub-Rs. 11,000 price range. It would also be available in China, South America and other countries in Asia in November.