HTC starts pushing out Android 4.1 to the One X in Europe and Asia

HTC’s 2012 flagship device, the quad core One X, is now getting upgraded to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean according to reports from Android and Me. The updates weighs in at just over 350 MB, so you’re going to want to make sure you’re connected to a high speed WiFi network. Besides Android 4.1, there’s also the latest version of Sense, which comes with an “infinite” number of home screens, the ability to password protect your SMS inbox, and small tweaks here and there that allegedly make the device 10% faster.

If you’ve been considering buying the One X, this update sure sounds nice, but we’d like to remind you that we’re going to see a brand new Nexus device sometime during the next few days. It’s probably going to cost as much as the One X, but it’s going to have stock Android, twice the RAM, and Qualcomm’s quad core Snapdragon S4, which makes NVIDIA’s quad core Tegra 3 look incredibly weak by comparison. That and it’s going to get the next version of Android faster than anything else on the market.

If you’re looking to save money, you should consider buying Samsung’s 2011 flagship phone, the Galaxy S II. By the end of next month it should be getting updated to Android 4.1, making it an incredibly competent smartphone for a fairly budget price tag if you go ahead and get yourself a used one.

And hey, if you really want to save money, but also have access to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, then you should start researching the custom ROM scene. Lots of folks seem to taking ancient handsets and flashing them to the latest version of Google’s mobile operating system. Sure, there’s no warranty, and some apps might run a bit slower than you’re used to, but at least you’ll have a few extra bills in your wallet.

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Author: Stefan

Stefan has been writing about the mobile phone industry since November 2006. He also spent 14 months at Nokia between 2008 and 2009, but has since purchased a Nexus One and an Apple iPhone. He's watching Windows Phone like a hawk, hoping it'll get better with time.