Google G0 Android Concept Phone

The Google G0 Android Phone is a concept created by designer Tryi-Yeh. The design is very exclusive and sexy. The phone is a touchscreen phone with it’s screen dominating the full front of the device. The device isn’t flat and is in the shape on an arc. The rear side of the device has some good patterns that give better grip on the device and also an interesting Google logo. The device appears to be built mostly out of glass and metal.

The phone can be slid up in the horizontal position to reveal four function keys and also the camera on the back. The phone has a docking station which gives wireless phone charging and displays all the information on the phone on-to a larger screen.


Author: Sandeep Sarma

Sandeep Sarma is a blogger and a freelance photographer. Apart from gadgets and phones, he also has a passion for movies and cars. He currently uses the S7 Edge as his main phone. Catch him on twitter at @sandeep9sarma