LG Optimus L9 that was announced back in August is now available for pre-order from online retailer Flipkart in India for Rs. 19,990. It comes in Black and White colors and is expected to ship in the first week of December. The phone is priced at an MRP of Rs. 22,000 on LG India website. It has a 4.7-inch qHD (960 x 540 pixels) IPS capacitive touch screen display and is powered by 1GHz dual-core TI OMAP 4430 processor.
It runs on Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and has a 5MP auto focus camera at the back with LED flash, 1080p Full HD video recording and a VGA front-facing camera. It is 9.1mm thick and weighs 125 grams.
It has QTranslator app that lets you translate words into different languages just by capturing an image. The My Style Keypad lets you adjust the key placement for easier typing in both portrait and landscape mode. It also has Quick Memo app that enables users to jot notes on the screen and share it across social networks.
It has 1GB RAM, 4GB of internal memory, expandable memory up to 32GB with microSD. The connectivity features include, 3G (HSPA+ 21Mbps; HSUPA: 5.76 Mbps), WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA, Bluetooth 4.0 with A2DP, GPS / aGPS, NFC and has FM radio with RDS. It comes with 2150 mAh battery with SiO + technology that improves the performance of the battery. The specs seem good compared to the other Android Smartphones in this price range.