Facebook for BlackBerry updated with better BBM integration, Improved Photo viewing and more

Facebook for BlackBerry has been updated to version that brings new features including a new look with refreshed icons and navigation, better BBM integration that lets you share BBM, discover and add BBM friends and initiate BBM chats from the app, Photo enchancements  and more. Facebook for Blackberry got BBM integration earlier this year to share your latest Facebook status and location check-in as your BBM Personal Message.

New features in Facebook for BlackBerry v3.3

  • Refreshed Look and Feel with new icon,  navigation and status publisher
  • Share your BBM PIN with Facebook friends easily
  • Invite friends to BBM and Chat with BBM contacts from the app
  • Ability to un-friend Facebook friends within the app
  • Faster viewing of your photos, and at a higher resolution
  • View thumbnails of all the photos for easier browsing

Get the updated Facebook for BlackBerry app from the BlackBerry App World (BB OS 5 and later) for free.


Author: Srivatsan Sridhar

Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram