Apple increases orders for iPad mini, projected to sell 12 million minis by year end

Previously the iPad Mini was expected to sell around 10 million, but now DigiTimes is reporting that Apple has increased the orders from 8 to 10 million, which means that Apple might be selling around 12 million of the 7.9″ iPad Minis.

This might be directly related to the holiday season and peoples interest in a 7.9″ device. Other than this, Apple is also projected to sell the same amount of device in Q1 of 2013 as the holiday season, now that would be an incredible feat as sales of devices are the highest during the holiday season. Whatever it is, we are sure that Apple devices are the most gifted electronic items this holiday season. If you have received an iPad Mini this holiday season then let us know in the comment section.

Source: DigiTimes

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