Highest number of Android and iOS devices get activated on Christmas Day

Looks like everyone did wait till Christmas day to open their presents, as it has been reported that Android and iOS device activation was the highest ever on December 25th. According to Flurry analytics, 17.4 million Android and iOS devices were activated on Christmas day compared to an average of 4 million activations on any other day, which is an increase of a whopping 332%.

The number of devices activated on 25th is two and a half times higher than the devices activated on the same day last year which saw up to 6.8 million activations. Flurry also reported that more tablets were activated than Smartphones this year, 51% of the devices activated were tablets and the rest were smartphones.

In the tablet sector, Apple was a big winner with most of the people gifting Apple’s iPad and iPad Mini, while Amazon also did really well with its 7″ Fire HD. It’s weird that Google’s Nexus 7 and nexus 10 were no where to be seen.

Source: Flurry

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