New images of Sony Xperia Z (C660X Yuga) has surfaced online. These images look like screencasts from a promotional video. This reveals that the smartphone would come with a Full HD Reality display with Bravia Engine 2, 13MP Exmor RS camera, HDR mode for Videos, OptiContrast Panel for high contrast and natural colours and a Skeleton frame structure. The Sony’s upcoming flagship device was known as Sony C660X Yuga and later the name was confirmed as Sony Xperia Z.
The Sony Xperia Z would also be Water resistant similar to the Xperia V.
It is expected to come with a 13MP camera with Exmor RS sensor.
No details about the internals yet, but the Sony Xperia Z is expected to be powered by a Quadcore Snapdragon S4 Pro CPU along with 2GB RAM, and run on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS. Sony would unveil the Xperia Z at an CES in Las Vegas on 7th January 2013. We will be reporting live from the CES, and would definitely bring more details next week.
Source: Sina Weibo, ePrice | Via – Xperiablog