HP unveiled the Slate 7, the company’s first Android Tablet few hours back. We brought you the photo gallery of the tablet, here is the hands on video. It has a 7-inch with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. The screen is bright and the High-aperture-ratio Field Fringe Switching (HFFS) panel offers wide viewing angles.
It is powered by a 1.6 GHz Dual Core Cortex-A9 processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) with fully touch interface without any physical buttons. It has a micro USB port, WiFi connectivity 1GB RAM, 16GB internal memory and has expendable memory up to 32GB with a micro SD card slot.
There is a 3 MP camera on the back and the tablet also features a VGA front-facing camera. It has a stainless-steel frame and comes in eye-catching gray and red colors. It even has Beats Audio support just like the HP Envy laptops.
The HP Slate 7 comes at a starting price of just $169 and would go on sale in the U.S in April.
Srivatsan contributed to this report