LG unveiled the Optimus L3 II, an entry-level Android smartphone and the successor of the Optimus L3 last week. It has a 3.2-inch (320 x 240 pixels) capacitive touch screen IPS display, powered by a 1 GHz processor and comes with a 1540 mAh battery. It runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) has a 512MB RAM, which is pretty good for an entry-level device.
There is large LG logo at the top with an earpiece above it. It uses L Style design with new design elements such as Seamless Layout, Laser Cut Contour and Radiant Rear Design.
There is home button with back, and menu buttons on either sides. It also has expandable memory card slot that would let you expand the memory up to 32GB.
The volume rocker is on the left.
There is a 3.5mm audio jack at the top. It also has a 3MP camera at the back and comes with Quick Memo to jot notes easily , Safe Care and Cheese Shutter.
Srivatsan contributed to this report