Samsung announced the Galaxy Note 8.0 as the Note 510 for the Indian markets at the Samsung Forum 2013 in Hyderabad yesterday. We got some hands-on time with the 8-inch tablet at the event. It has a 8.0-inch (1280 × 800 pixels) TFT Super Clear LCD display at 189 ppi pixel density, powered by a 1.6 GHz quad-core Exynos processor. It comes with a S Pen, similar to the Note 10.1 (Note 800). You can also make calls and send or receive text messages.
There is a ear piece at the top along with proximity and ambient light sensors. There is also a 1.3MP front-facing camera.
There is a large home button below the display along with menu and back buttons on either sides. These capacitive touch buttons are responsive even when you touch it with the S Pen.
On the right side there is a power button, volume rocker and a Infrared (IR) sensor. This would let you use the tablet as a remote control for TVs using the Smart Remote app. There is a micro SIM slot and a micro SD card slot on the other side, since there was a flip cover on the tablet, we could not get a glimpse of it. It has chrome finish on the sides.
At the top there is a 3.5 mm audio jack.
There is a micro USB slot on the bottom, along with loud speaker grills on either sides.
There is a 5-megapixel camera on the back.
It has Dual View feature, that was first introduced in the Galaxy Note 2. It lets you run two applications on a single screen. You can hold the back button to bring up the quick app selection menu.
The connectivity features include, 3G HSPA+ 21Mbps, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4 & 5 GHz), Wi-Fi Direct,Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS + GLONASS. It packs a 2GB RAM and a 4600 mAh battery. The Samsung Galaxy Note 510 is expected to go on sale in India by April or May. Check out our Galaxy Note 8.0 hands-on video from the MWC 2013.