Opera 14 beta for Android with new UI and WebKit engine released

Opera beta for Android 14.0

Opera has finally released a beta version of their mobile browser for Android based on WebKit rendering engine. Opera already announced that they would move from Presto engine to WebKit engine that is being used widely, and this is their first release with the WebKit engine (AppleWebKit/537.22 and Chrome/25.0.1364.123) onboard. The new version also brings completely revamped UI, Off-Road mode, Opera Mini compression built-in, Omnibar with combined search and URL field and lots more.


Features of Opera 14 beta for Android

  • Opera for Android sports a completely new user interface that is more elegant and built to the native specifications of the Android platform.
  • Discover feature provides a new way of discovering content on the web. From the Discover panel of the startup screen, you can read a selection of popular articles and dig deeper into your interests
  • New, revamped Speed Dial has bookmarks are fused together to provide a new experience. It’s easier to group, organize and rename Speed Dial entries or gather them in folders.
  • Off-Road mode in Opera for Android integrates the compression technology from Opera Mini, for faster browsing
  • Omnibar with combined search and URL field and auto-completion
  • Tabbed browsing and private browsing
  • History tab lets you access the the history right from your home screen.
  • Save for later feature lets the user download a complete webpage

Download Opera browser beta v14.0 from the Google Play Store for free.

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Author: Srivatsan Sridhar

Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
