Nokia Asha 310 that was announced last month is now available in India from the official Nokia Shop. It is the company’s first affordable touch screen phone with Dual SIM support and WiFi connectivity. It has a 3.0-inch (240 x 320 pixels), scratch-resistant capacitive touch screen display, 1 GHz processor and a 2 MP rear camera. It runs on S40 Asha OS with Swipe UI and comes with 40 Free EA games including Tetris, Bejeweled, Need for Speed The Run and Fifa 2012. Nokia launched the Asha 311 last year, which was their first full-touch Series 40 phone.
It has Dual SIM Easy Swap technology with dedicated SIM manager lets you switch SIM cards without switching off the device. Other features include, 3.5 mm audio jack, Music Player, FM Radio with recording and expandable memory up to 32GB with microSD card slot. The connectivity features include, 2G GPRS/EDGE, WiFi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth 3.0 with A2DP, micro USB 2.0 and USB charging. It packs a 1110 mAh battery.
The Nokia Asha 310 comes in Black and Golden Light colors. It is available for Rs. 5,601 from the Nokia Shop. It is also on sale from other online retailers Saholic and Snapdeal for around Rs. 5499.