13.6% US shuns landline. India crossed that bridge in 2004!

A survey conducted by National Health Interview Survey has indicated that 13.6% of all US households have done away with their landlines and are relying on their mobile phones as their sole means of communication/connection with friends and loved ones.

The survey has also revealed the following startling statistics:

• More than 30% of those aged 25-29 rely solely on mobile phones
• Almost 30% of those aged 18-24 shunned landlines
• 13% of adults in the 30-44 age group are landline-free
• About 7% of people 45-64 used only cellphones
• Only 2% of adults 65 and older shunned hardline telephones
• Men were more likely than women to be landline-free – a trend that has persisted throughout the years

As compared to the US, the penetration of mobile phones and users is far wider in India.


Off the 5.33 million people who subscribed to phone service in March 2006, 94 percent were solely for mobile phones, bringing the number of Indians with phone service to 140 million. This brought the number of cell phone users in India to 64%. In the same year, Informa Telecoms and Media statistics reported that 69% Americans were cell phone subscribers.

In an announcement by the government in 2004, it was conveyed that mobile phones outnumbered landlines. For 44 million cell phone users in India, there were 43 million land lines.

India is one of the fastest growing mobile markets in the world, with growth of 40% expected every year.

Undoubtedly, India’s mobile using population is growing by the minute. Isn’t it time to conduct a survey such as conducted by the National Health Interview Survey in India?

Via: Intomobile