WhatsApp Messenger, cross-platform messaging app is now available for BlackBerry 10 devices. WhatsApp for BB10 comes with all the features that are available for existing BlackBerry devices.
Features of WhatsApp Messenger for BlackBerry
- Instant push notifications to alert you when you receive messages- even when the screen is locked.
- Full integration into BlackBerry Contacts, with automatic contact scanning
- Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.
- Use 3G/EDGE internet data plan (or Wi-Fi if available)
- WhatsApp will save your messages offline and will retrieve them when network coverage is restored or device is turned back on.
- Contact Blocking, Share location, Custom notification sounds, Email chat history, Broadcast messages to many contacts and more
Download WhatsApp Messenger for BlackBerry 10 devices from the BlackBerry World for free. You get a 1 year free trail, after that you have to pay $0.99/year to use the app.