Zinio, the popular magazine reading application, has announced its intentions to launch on the Windows Phone 8 platform. The company declared that the application will be made available exclusively to Nokia’s Lumia range of Windows Phone handsets at launch.
The application has been designed ground up to make use of Windows Phone specific features like live tiles and allows users to pin specific magazines to the homescreen. As part of the partnership, Zinio will also deliver special magazine promotions to the Nokia Lumia customers. The announcement that was made at the Association of Magazine Media Swipe 2.0 conference focused on a range of additions that will be made to the application.
• Reading List – a seamless, up to the minute stream of select articles from trending magazines and full issues from user libraries, available offline and online
• Background downloading – Reading Lists update automatically while on wireless, fetching new articles and magazines.
• Personalization features – new preference picker allows users to define the article stream in their Reading List by area of interest
• Windows Phone 8 live tile support, bookmarks, pinning, and more
• Improved text mode support for easy reading on smartphone screens
Zinio offers cross platform access to a wide range of magazines and journals with the ability to buy single issues, subscriptions and back issues.