MoDemo – a report

Modemo was a single day event held at Bangalore . You can see the announcement.
The event was held at the Airport Road office of ThoughtWorks International.
The folks behind MoMo Bangalore have put together this event.

About 20 Demos were presented.
The coolest part was meeting people who are doing / tracking mobile stuff.
The crowd comprised of a gentle mix of people from startups, hobbyists, product brands and the likes.

The event went on from 9am in the morning to about 6:15pm in the evening.
Rajan from MomoBangalore made the welcome speech and mentioned that the idea of a MoDeMo is inspired by a
similar event in the Silicon Valley.

TCS which has won a deal from Qualcomm [TCS wins Qualcomm deal for mobile learning programme] for mobile learning showcased their mobile learning solutions
Aditya Mishra showed an application which might aid in Mobile Adult Literacy.They are working with TataIndiCom for this.
Parul Awasthy demoed a Mandi Bhav – a mobile application which will help farmers find the right price across multiple mandis.

Ganapathy from MyDunia showed an SMS based information retrieval service.When I asked him whether users will send an SMS to find info. He says SMS is simple and fastest way of getting information and that their aim is to make your personal information available to you at anytime. You can share details which you want with others. They are planning to use the short code 53695

OnMobile – Guruprasad from Onmobile tried to demo their new Jukebox offering which lets you listen to any song on demand. But the phone lines were busy


Siddharth Metha who works for FreeScale showed off his Apple Iphone and spoke about hacking the Iphone to load 3rd party apps.I still wonder why the iPhone is not out in India yet.

Mobile Search Zook

Sameer from Ziva demoed their mobile web search offering Zook which lets you search and share information using the mobile web.

Nokia MOSH

Nokia was not showing their latest handset. They were demoing their latest social networking service MOSH see launch
Prakash and Balagopal from Forum Nokia were moshing using an E90 and a N81

Nokia Video Streaming over WLAN Rajeshwari played live Video over WLAN using the N95 8 GB

Digital Chocolate – Zarina spoke about mobile phone game development and the challenges involved.

Mobiance – Location Based Services

Deepak Srinivasan , Mandeep Singh did a cool demo about their new enterprise location based services offering. If you are drolling about how google tracks your location using your cell phone tower info then Mobiance will surely interest you. Its for enterprises though. It allows real time tracking of users on a mobile network.They have built their own mapping system and have not used google maps or yahoo maps. They are planning to attract developers by offering their data feeds under the event Location Masti

Android OpenGL

Selvan from ThoughtWorks showed some 3D mobile stuff on the upcoming Android platform. He spoke about the OpenGL ES engine and how to use android to develop 3D Applications.

Group SMS ActivMobs

I have heard about these guys a lot but never met them. I met Sidu and Akshat from InActiv who have built a Group SMS product called ActivMobs. They claim to be sending over 1.5 Million Messages every month.They are looking for funding and are integrating ads into the messages. They are a proof that SMS is still popular among users – atleast the youth.

Webaroo SMSGumshup

Tathagata Mitra from Webaroo spoke about SMSGumshup a free group SMS service from Webaroo who offer even a downloadable version of wikipedia

Opera Mini

Sagar from Opera Software showed the features of the latest opera mini software including the sync feature. India is one of top 5 markets for operamini

Mango Technologies

These guys showed they mobile application development framework MangoMMI

mChek Mobile payment

If you are using Airtel you might have got an SMS to pay your mobile bill using mChek. They showed the possibilities of using a Virtual Debit card/ Debit card using a mChek pin.


Sean from runs a social networking site which might help you find a cook,maid,security guard or drivers and the likes. Their system is under test mode in Bangalore and might soon hit other cities.

Mobitop – a Mobile Application Platform

Lalit from Mobisy showed how Mobitop can help a you develop a mobile application using javascript and html

At the end of the day we had a great conversation about the future of the mobile web in India.

Hope you enjoyed reading the post

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Author: Varun Krish

Varun Krish is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast and has been writing about mobile phones since 2005. His current phones include the Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max and Galaxy S25 Ultra. You can follow him on Twitter @varunkrish You can also mail Varun Krish