Lenovo K900, the first Intel Clover Trail+ powered smartphone that was unveiled at the CES 2013 would be launched in India on May 10th for a price tag of less than Rs. 25,000, according to a report from NDTV Gadgets. This is the first smartphone to be powered by a dual-core Intel Atom Clover Trail+ CPU. The ZTE GEEK with a similar processor was announced earlier this month. The Xolo X1000 that was launched last month was expected to come with the Clover Trail+ CPU, but it had a 2 GHz Intel Atom Z2480 processor. The Lenovo K900 has a 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD IPS display with at 419 PPI pixel density and Gorilla Glass 2 protection and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean).
It has a 13MP camera with Sony’s Exmor BSI sensor, F1.8 focal length lens and a dual LED Flash. There is a 2-megapixel front-facing camera that has 88 degree viewing angle. It is just 6.9mm thick, has 2GB RAM, 16GB of internal memory. The Lenovo K900 would go on sale in China on May 6th.
Check out the Lenovo K900 hands-on from the CES 2013.
Source: NDTVGadgets