Alleged Samsung Galaxy Note 3 image has surfaced along with the rumored specifications. According to the Baidu user, the image is a prototype of the Galaxy Note 3, so Samsung might change the design. The Galaxy Note 3 is expected to feature a 5.99-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display, powered by Exynos 5410 Octa with the A15 processor clocked at 2.0 GHz and the A7 processor at 1.7 GHz and run on Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean).
It is expected to feature a 13-megapixel rear camera, 3GB of RAM and a expandable memory card slot similar to the Note 2. Recent rumors revealed that the Note 3 would have a completely new design and a metal body. The Note 2 was expected to be unveiled at the IFA 2013 in September 2013, but the recent rumor says that the phablet is expected by mid-June.
This news might just be a rumor, so take it with a pinch of a salt.
[Update: The phone is note the Note 3, but it’s actually ZOPO ZP950 that looks like a Galaxy Note. According to Sammobile‘s insider, there Galaxy Note 3 prototypes, one with a new design, one with a Galaxy S4 deign, and the third one with a flexible display.]
Source: Baidu | Via: MyDrivers