Huawei released the Ascend G510, a mid-range Android smartphone at a price tag of Rs. 10990. Here we have the unboxing of the device. The Huawei Ascend G510 packs a 4.5-inch (854 x 480 pixels) capacitive touch screen IPS display, powered by a 1.2 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8225 processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) with Huawei Emotion UI. This mid-range phone lies between the Huawei Ascend G600 and the Ascend G330 that were launched earlier this year. We reviewed the Ascend Y300 recently.
Box Contents
- Huawei Ascend G510 handset
- Earphones
- USB cable
- 2-pin Charger
- User guide
- 1750 mAh Battery
There is a large 4.5-inch FWVGA screen at a pixel resolution of 854 by 480 pixels at 217 ppi pixel density.
There is a 0.3-megapixel (VGA) front-facing camera on the top.
There are the usual capacitive touch buttons for back, home and menu, below the display.
There is power button and a volume rocker on the right side.
There is a micro USB slot on the bottom part of the right side of the phone. You can see the tiny microphone hole on the bottom.
The 3.5mm audio jack is on the top.
There is a 5-megapixel auto focus camera on the back along with an LED flash. There is a secondary microphone next to the flash. The loudspeaker is present on the other side.
The phone has DTS audio support for enhanced audio output. There is a Huawei logo in the center.
The plastic back cover is easily removable. When you open the back cover you see the large battery. The SIM and micro SD card slots are present below that.
The micro SD card slot is present in the front that must be inserted from the side. The SIM card slot is located next to it. We will review the device soon, till then check out the complete Ascend G510 unboxing gallery below.
Shilpa Dhamija contributed to this report