Gold Nokia 8800 Arte coming in 2008

Nokia showed the Art of Seduction by launching the Nokia 8800 Arte and Sapphire. These premium handsets are aimed at the elite and style conscious consumers. 24ct_Nokia_8800_arte_with_logo.jpg

The 8800 Arte series has brought 3G functionality to Nokia’s highly accepted 8800 series of premium phones. By the way this post is not bout the Arte series, I mean it is about Arte series but focuses more on someone who has taken this Art of Seduction one step ahead. Most of you must have heard of Goldstriker International, the guys who make diamond and gold variations of different mobile phones. By the way they also customize iPods for the elite and Page 3 all over the world. This time they have taken the Art of Seduction one step further by launching a Gold Edition of Nokia 8800 Arte….huh!!
It will cost $1400 for you if you want to master this Art of Seduction.


[Images Via: Goldstriker International]

Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks