Karbonn A7 Star, successor of the A7+ is now available from online retailer Snapdeal. It has a 4.5-inch (854 ×480 pixels) FWVGA capacitive touch screen display and runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), similar to the Karbonn A12 that went on sale earlier this year, but this comes with 2G (EDGE) support. It is powered by a 1 GHz dual-core processor, has a 5-megapixel auto focus camera with LED flash and a 0.3MP (VGA) front-facing camera. It also comes with dual SIM support with dual standby. Karbonn launched the A7 back in July and A7+ in October last year. Both these phones had a 3.5-inch screen and Android 2.3.
Karbonn A7 Star Specificaions
- 4.5-inch (854 ×480 pixels) FWVGA capacitive touch sceen display
- Dual SIM (GSM + GSM) with Dual Standby
- Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) OS
- 1GHz dual-core processor
- 5MP Auto Focus Camera with LED flash
- 0.3MP front-facing camera
- 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio
- 2G (EDGE), Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth
- 512MB RAM, 164MB of user memory, Expandable memory up to 32GB with micro SD
- 1400 mAh battery
The Karbonn A7 Star is priced at Rs. 6,190 and is available from Snapdeal.