Nokia Messaging Goes Social

Nokia Messaging is now getting a social flavour to it with the addition of Facebook. It will bring your latest wall posts on Facebook to your homescreen on the N97 and also gives you quick and easy access to your Facebook status and other messaging features.

N97 users will also be treated to a new refreshing integration of Facebook on their homescreen. Also, you can now scroll through your latest wall posts within the homescreen. If you want to see one of your friends profile in detail, you just have to simply click on their status message and voila! you will be taken directly to the Nokia Messaging Facebook app.

The Nokia Messaging beta is available on Nokia Beta Labs today, and is compatible with N97 and 6700. So If you have an N97 or a Nokia 6700, I would recommend you to download the app from Beta Labs right now.

You can also catch a demo of Social Messaging beta from Nokia Messaging below.


Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik