Windows Mobile 7 Coming

Microsoft’s Windows Mobile 6 is a well accepted and appreciated OS in the Smart phone and PDA segment. The company is facing competition from Blackberry and Apple iPhone especially in the US smart phone market.
Microsoft is now developing Windows Mobile 7.

This OS will have touch and gesture functionality, the current hot selling proposition. Nathan Weinberg of Inside Microsoft blog got a confidential document, which had full details on Windows Mobile 7 OS…Lucky Guy. This Mobile OS will focus on touch and gesture controls, Microsoft’s weapon to fight Apple’s iPhone. It is also reported that the touch feature will be the way it is in iPhone, then what’s the difference, the gesture control feature, which lags in the iPhone, brings the real difference. Accelerometers in mobile phones is the current craze after it did well in the Nokia N95 but, Windows Mobile 7 will not have this functionality, instead its camera will detect the motion of the subject and take actions…sounds very futuristic to me. This feature will make the phone intelligent and it will understand when it is in use or when it’s on standby or when it is just lying in the pocket. This OS seems to very futuristic but given the perennial problem of Windows Mobile OS crashing often, I think Microsoft has to make this one crash proof.

In Depth Review by Nathan Weinberg

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