Nokia Point and Shoot

nokia_pointfind.jpgNokia mobile handsets with camera have something to cheer. There is a new Point& Find application in the market, which will help you in unknown lands. For example you are roaming around in China and you go to a restaurant, if you are not Chinese or Japanese, you will not understand what is written. Now you click the pic of that menu card and send to your operator, who will process it and here you go, translated menu card for you. This application is made for helping mobile handset users in shopping, translation and other location based services. This application is a prototype developed by Nokia and the company is planning to come up with more such application, which can help mobile users in their daily life. By the way, according to Nokia, the prototype applications, which they are developing, can translate 9000 Chinese and 600 Japanese words. Is this Nokia’s own way of “Connecting People”.

Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks