Spice introduced the Smart Flo Pace 2 a few weeks back at a price point of Rs. 6,999. The handset is powered by a 1Ghz processor and is paired with 512MB of RAM. The low amount of RAM does get in the way of multitasking on the handset. The processor too isn’t particularly powerful but the bloat free stock Android build keeps things running smooth. We’ve embedded a range of benchmarks from the handset below for your viewing pleasure.
In the AnTuTu benchmark, the Spice Smart Flo Pace 2 scores the least amongst the competition. The score of 5465 is well behind the competition.
The Linpack multi threaded test places the phone well below the competition but ahead of phones like the Xolo B700.
Similarly in the single threaded Linpack test, the phone shows middling performance and can placed right in the middle of the competition.
NenaMark is a GPU centric benchmark and we can see that this is where the Spice Smart Pace Flo 2 manages to score. With 25.6 frames per second, the handset is ahead of most of the competition but lies well behind phones by Huawei.
The phone scores just 2271 in the Quadrant benchmark which places it amongst the lowest scoring budget devices in our list.
Vellamo 2 is a good way to test HTML 5 rendering performance of the handset and the Spice Smart Flo 2 ranks right at the bottom. This was echoed by our usage of the browser as well but that is something we’ll touch on in the review.