Digg Reader goes live with iOS app in tow

Following the demise of Google Reader we’ve seen a range of competitors spring up to take the place of the much loved RSS feed reader. Digg too has decided to enter the arena with its own Reader application. Currently available on the web and via an iOS app, it is possible to import feeds from your Google account.


The feature set so far is very minimal and includes only the essentials. Digg plans to add a “View Unread Items Only” button and a “Mark As Unread” button to the interface very soon. Prospective users can head over to the link below to import their feeds and give the application a shot. The iOS application is also available on the iTunes store. Digg promises to release an Android application in the coming weeks. Digg enters the game when Feedly has all but established itself as the successor to Google Reader. Will its clean looks win against Feedly’s superior feature set? We’ll find out soon enough.
[Via – Digg Reader | Digg Blog]

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Author: Dhruv Bhutani

Your friendly neighborhood techie. Currently using a Pixel 2 XL. Catch him on Twitter (@DhruvBhutani) / Facebook .