Popular budget handset chipset manufacturer, Mediatek is all set to launch what might be the world’s first true octa-core chipset. Unlike the Samsung Exynos 5 Octa that only has four cores active at any given point of time, the Mediatek MT6592 will use eight ARM Cortex 7 cores. The chip is being built on the 28 nanometer process and will reach peak frequencies of 1.7 to 2.0Ghz.
The Exynos 5 Octa based on the big.LITTLE architecture has four Cortex A15 chips to perform heavy duty tasks and switches over to frugal Cortex A7 cores for average usage. Mediatek’s chipset is said to score over 30,000 in the AnTuTu benchmark which would pit it right next to the Snapdragon 800. Mediatek’s cost effective chips are starting to make an appearance in name brand handsets from LG, Acer compared to the off brand Chinese handsets that were commonly using these. It’ll be interesting to see how the company manages to tackle thermal and battery related issues, something that it has struggled with in the past. Handsets based on the platform should be expected towards the end of the year or
early next year and we can’t wait to check them out.
[Via – MTKSJ]