LG Display, the display arm of LG Electronics has unveiled the world’s slimmest Full HD LCD panel for smartphones. The LCD panel is of size 5.2-inch diagonally, aimed at premium mobile devices. LG says it would offer better grip-ability and a superior viewing experience. The display is just 2.2mm thin with a 2.3mm bezel. The LG Optimus G2 that is expected to be unveiled next month would have a 5.2-inch full HD display. So the phone is likely to feature this display.
LG Electronics, LG Chem, LG Display & LG Innotek partnered for the Optimus G that was unveiled last year. The Optimus G Pro featured a 5.5-inchFull HD IPS curved glass display. The 5.2-inch display that was unveiled today is based on Advanced One-Glass-Solution (OGS) to reduce the thickness and uses flexible circuits between the panel and touch film, with 30 percent fewer lines on the panel.
It utilizes 1,080 x 1,920 pixels consisting of Red, Green, Blue (RGB) sub-pixels and has brightness of 535 nits at maximum, better than the current Full HD LCD panels. The contrast in real-life surroundings with Ambient Contrast Ratio results in a reading of 3.74:1 based on 10,000 lux, offering better visibility in outdoor sunlight conditions. Renowned testing firm Intertek has officially certified the results.