Videocon launched the A55HD with 5-inch HD display few weeks back at a price tag of Rs. 13499. We brought you the unboxing earlier this week, here we have the benchmarks of the device. It is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core MediaTek 6589 processor with PowerVR SGX544 GPU. It comes with a 5-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD display at 295 PPI with one-glass solution (OGS) technology and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean).
Quadrant Benchmark
The phone scores over 4000 points, almost similar to the other smartphones powered by the quad-core MediaTek chip.
AnTuTu Benchmark 3.3
It scores over 13000 points in the AnTuTu benchmark 3.3
Vellamo 2.0 – HTML5
In the Vellamo 2.0 HTML5 browser benchmark, it scores 1447 points almost similar to the Q1000.
Vellamo 2.0 – Metal
It scores around 440 points in the Vellamo 2.0 Metal that measure the CPU sub system performance.
Linpack Single Thread
Linpack Multi-Thread
Even though the linpack single thread scores are almost similar to other quad-core smartphones, it scores around 124 points in the linpack multi-thread benchmark.
NenaMark 2
The phone tops the NenaMark 2 GPU benchmark.
GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex (On screen)
It clocks 4.9 fps in the GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex OnScreen GPU Benchmark.
GFXBench 2.5 Egypt HD (On screen)
It clocks 14 fps in the GFXBench 2.5 Egypt OnScreen GPU benchmark similar to the other quad-core devices. We will bring you the complete review of the device soon.