Special Edition Nokia N81

We all know that Nokia N81 and N82 are the two; multimedia devices that have kick started Nokia’s Next Episode in Entertainment. Both these amazing phones are really doing well in the global market; they have also stimulated the growth of mobile phone accessories especially compatible with these two multimedia monsters. nokia_n81_bose.jpgAlso, Nokia is very careful when it is branding these mobile phones, Nokia does not want these phones to be looked at as mere multimedia devices, but Nokia thinks they are elite multimedia devices and should be treated like that. Recently, Nokia has started shipping Special Edition Nokia N81. Now what’s so special about this Special Edition Nokia N81? This package has a Nokia N81 multimedia phone and a BOSE QuietComfort AcousticNoise Cancelling 3 pair of cool headphones. These headphones are by the way very costly and this special package will be available only for exclusive people.

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Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks