iGoogle Updated for iPhone

iGoogle and iPhone have something in common. No, no I am not talking about the “i”. The popularity of iPhone is widespread and people in different regions are waiting for the iPhone to launch, the grey market in flooded with unlocked iPhones. iPhone being a one of its kind device, which helps you make calls, listen to music and also access Internet. Lots of companies are giving iPhone optimized services and accessories and why not, who does not want to be a part of a winning technology. iGoogle, as we everybody know has made customization a part of everybody’s life. Now we have our own customized webpage, which shows only those things, which we like. With the increase in the number of people accessing Internet on their mobile handset especially iPhones, Google guys went ahead and have announced that they have optimized the iGoogle interface so that it goes hands in hand with iPhone. With iPhone optimized iGoogle people will be easily able to access their mails, calendar and contacts whenever they are connected to the Internet. It seems, Google doesn’t want to leave a chance to cash in on the iPhone popularity and in today’s world of changing technology, having a symbiotic relationship definitely helps.

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