At the launch of the Nokia Lumia 1020, the Finnish manufacturer announced a range of accessories for its new handset. These include a camera grip and a wireless charging cover in addition to a leather cover.
Nokia’s new camera centric flagship, the Lumia 1020, is already packing some serious photography capabilities. However Nokia’s new camera grip for the Lumia 1020 takes this up a level by offering a two step shutter, extended battery and even a tripod mount.
Check out the accessory in the video below.
The charging cover is provided to enable to wireless charging capabilities. So if you want to use your Lumia 1020 with a wireless charging plate, this is the accessory to look out for. The charging cover is available in both black and yellow colors and we’ve included a short hands on video below.
Additionally Nokia will also be selling a leather cover for the Lumia 1020 that promises to protect the polycarbonate handset as well as the camera module.