Idea Cellular has launched special 2G Trial Packs for its prepaid subscribers in Delhi that would let users enjoy internet at an economical price. The pack is priced at Rs. 25 and comes with 500 MB of 2G data which comes with 500 MB of 2G data. Vodafone launched a similar trial pack for 2G and 3G customers recently.
All the Idea subscribers can *150*222# to get the data pack activated. Since this is a one-time pack, it can be availed one time only.
Regarding the launch Sanjeev Govil, Chief Operating Officer – Delhi, IDEA Cellular said,
At Idea, we have always believed in providing more value to our subscribers, through innovative offers, products and schemes. Through these trial packs we entail to provide internet experience to our customers at a very affordable price. We are sure that these internet packs would be well received and come in quite handy to our customers.
The new Idea Internet Trial Packs are available at all retail outlets, My Idea Showrooms and Idea Points across Delhi and Haryana circles.