Google’s Youtube has expanded its mobile version by offering its large video collection at
Until recently only a limited subset of the entire database was available on the mobile version.
FREE Youtube JAVA Application
They have also announced a J2ME Java Application which lets users play videos without downloading them directly. But the sad news is that application is available only for Nokia’s N73, N95, E65, 6110, 6120 and SonyEricsson k800 and w880. But it should work pretty fine on any J2ME MIDP2.0 Phone . But the website does not let you install it on any unsupported phone
Here are direct links to download a (signed) and if that doesn’t work, (unsigned) version.
I tried installing it on a Nokia N82 and Nokia E61i. Seemed to install fine but could not play any videos even over a Wireless LAN connection, kept timing out . Looks like Youtube’s mobile servers are experiencing unexpected traffic after this announcement.
Do these apps mean death for applications like emtube and shozu ?