Samsung would launch the Galaxy Note 3 and the Galaxy Gear in India at an event on September 17th. Samsung India has started taking pre-orders for the Galaxy Note 3 from the official eStore The pre-order price is Rs. 2000 . The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 along with the Galaxy Gear is also available for pre-order separately at the same cost. This was first reported by
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was announced at IFA earlier this month and has a 5.7inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD Super AMOLED display, powered by 1.9 GHz Octa Core Processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). It has a 13MP rear camera with LED flash and a 2MP front-facing camera. It packs 3GB of RAM, 32GB of internal memory, microSD slot (up to 64GB) and 3200 mAh battery. It also comes with a stylus pen.
The Galaxy Gear has a 1.63 inch (320 x 320 pixels) Super AMOLED display, 1.9MP camera, 315 mAh battery and has 2 Microphones along with a Speaker.
Once you pre-book, you can use it to adjust from the final price while buying it from the estore. Samsung did not announce any special gift such as a flip cover for those who pre-book early. Terms and conditions are not available yet. Still no details about the price yet. These devices are expected to go on sale after September 25th.