Windows Phone retains the position as India’s second largest smartphone OS with 5.4% marketshare


It’s been almost an year since Windows Phone 8 launched, but the growth has seen a spike only recently, with the Nokia Lumia 520 becoming the most popular Windows Phone, not just in India, but the world. India has definitely been a tough market to crack for anything other than Android. Even with the huge marketing and retail push by Nokia, the most trusted brand in India for quite a number of years, Windows Phone is just at 5.4% of the whole Smartphone market. With iOS and BlackBerry contributed even lesser, Android rules the market with more than 84% marketshare at least.

The second place has been maintained for the past three quarters but the only thing that is new, is the marketshare value which has increased 60% QoQ. The Windows Phone platform has actually outgrown the market at 60% which is an increase above the ~55% growth the Indian market boasts. Nokia now has a wide portfolio of Lumia devices in India, right from Lumia 520 to Lumia 925 and soon the Lumia 1020, but even with this portfolio, the company has struggled to gain marketshare in double digits. We expect that Microsoft will be putting its marketing muscle behind the Lumia, promoting like how it does with Windows 8, because we have rarely seen a marketing push from them around Windows Phone yet, it’s been Lumia all along.

But the question is, will it ever work? With the current momentum and new software updates coming along the way, it might, but lets see, nothing is sure until the numbers are being spoken of. I have told what I think of this situation, now it’s your turn. Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Bharadwaj Chandramouli: Bharadwaj is a content creator who has been obsessed with technology since the early days of smartphones. He loves talking about tech, is a fan of good design and photography. You can follow him on Twitter @gadgetbuff_ to know what he's upto!
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