Apple unveiled the iPhone 5S earlier this month. While the iPhone 5S is still not officially launched in India, Varun managed to get one over from Hong Kong, which is one of the initial launch countries. Apple has already sold over 9 million iPhone 5S and 5C devices. It also said that the demand for the iPhone 5S has exceeded the initial supply, and many online orders are pushed to next month. We already brough you the hands-on and Touch ID fingerprint sensor demo of the iPhone 5S. Here we finally bring you the unboxing of the device.
Box Contents
- iPhone 5S
- Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic
- Lightning to USB Cable
- USB Power Adapter
- SIM ejector tool
- Documentation and Apple Sticker
The box contents are similar to the iPhone 5 that includes a lightning cable and Apple EarPods.
The box contents are mentioned on the back of the box. Here we have the 64GB Space Gray version since we couldn’t get the Gold version, but you can Hands on and Photo Gallery of the Gold iPhone 5S from earlier today. The iPhone 5S also comes in Silver version. Apple had a Black version for the iPhone 5, but it has been changed to Space Gray for the iPhone 5S.
The iPhone 5S has the same 4-inch (1136×640 pixels) IPS Retina display that was present in the iPhone 5. The main change is the home button that integrates a Touch ID fingerprint sensor to unlock the phone. The iPhone 5S runs on the latest iOS 7 brings hundreds of new features including Control Centre, AirDrop, iTunes Radio and more.
The iPhone 5S has a faster Apple-designed A7 64-bit chip with M7 co-processor. The phone has a unibody aluminium design. The Space Gray version has black colors on the top and bottom. The centre part is gray in color. The 5S also has a larger 1560 mAh battery that up to 225 hours of standby.
The phone has a 1.2-megapixel front-facing camera with 720p HD video recording.
On the back there is an upgraded 8-megapixel iSight Camera with 1.5µ pixel size and True tone LED flash. That’s it for the unboxing. Check back for our iPhone 5C unboxing.
Credits to Varun Krish for the photos and videos