Domo, popular for its PC peripherals, tablets and accessories has launched the DOMO Slate X3G 4th, successor of the Slate X3G 3rd. It has a 7-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1 GHz quad-core Cortex A7 processor with PowerVR SGX544MP2 GPU. It runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) and packs a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 3-megapixel front-facing camera. It has a SIM card slot for 3G connectivity and a ear piece for voice calling.
The tablet has a 10mm thin framed in aluminum housing and weighs 315 grams.
Commenting on the tablet, Mazher Shaikh, Business Development Manager at DOMO said
DOMO is powered with exciting tablets to entertain every sector of Indian masses. We take immense pleasure in announcing this power packed tablet at much affordable price range. We have got overwhelming response during the pre launch period on HomeShop18 and we are confident that the model would stand out tall once its out there in market. Partners can undoubtedly promote this low-cost 3G calling tablet with Quad Core.
DOMO Slate X3G 4th Specifications
- 7-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) capacitive 5-point multi-touch display
- Android 4.2(Jelly Bean) OS
- 1 GHz quad-core Cortex A7 processor with 533MHz PowerVR SGX544MP2 GPU
- 5MP rear camera
- 3MP front-facing camera
- 3.5mm audio jack
- 3G (via SIM card slot), WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS
- 1GB DDR3 RAM, 8GB internal memory , expandable memory up to 64GB with microSD
- 3200 mAh battery
The DOMO Slate X3G 4th is priced at Rs. 9,999 and comes with a free 16GB memory card, DOMO Tablet Stand and a Sleeve worth Rs. 2,500.