Evernote for BlackBerry 10 updated with Checkboxes, Image and Audio support

Evernote has updated the BlackBerry 10 app with a lot of new features including checkboxes, improved image support and audio recording. The new Checkbox option lets you add Checkboxes in notes and also lets you uncheck the items. The checkbox option is present above the keyboard when you start editing a note. No you can attach images and audio recording to your notes. You can open a new note and click the respective option to add images or record audio. 

The Evernote app is now more polished which makes it faster and more responsive. Evernote for iPhone and iPad got updated recently that brought Post-it Note Camera.

New features in Evernote BlackBerry 10

  • Create checkboxes in the note editor
  • Check and uncheck items in existing notes
  • Add images to the notes
  • Create and audio recording to your notes

Download Evernote (Free) – BlackBerry 10

Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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