Twitter for Android and iPhone updated with in-line image and video previews

Twitter has updated both the Android (v 4.1.9) and iPhone (v5.12) apps with a new in-line preview. Now, Tweets that have images posted via Twitter and videos will be available in-line. You can just tap to see more of the photo or play the video. You can turn off the image previews from the settings. You can also reply, retweet or favorite a Tweet easily from your timeline just by a tap. Twitter for Android and iPhone got conversations view back in August.

Here is the official change log.

Be a part of the moment.

  • Tweets with Twitter photos, Vine videos, and other select content now show a preview in your home timeline. Tap the image to reveal the full screen version. Tweet a picture without text and let the image say it all.

Joining the conversation just got easier.

  • You can reply, retweet, favorite, or follow someone straight from a Tweet in your home timeline

Download Twitter for Android from the Google Play Store, and Twitter for iPhone and iPad from the Apple iTunes Store for free, if you don’t have them yet. The new previews feature would also be available on

Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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