launches native iOS app, updates Windows Phone app with new design and features, one of India’s most popular bus ticket booking and reservation service has finally launched a native iOS app. This lets you search and book for more than 10,000 routes, select seats and has multiple payment options (Credit, Debit, net Banking and Cash on Delivery). The company launched the its native Windows phone 7.5 app back in November 2012, and updated the Windows Phone 8 app with new features and introduced a limited time offer for the Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 users last month.

Now it as completely redesigned the Windows Phone app with new UI that follows frameworks suggested for Windows Phone 8 and new features including virtual boarding point feature which allows customers to get directions to their boarding point from their starting location. It launched the Android app in February 2013, last month the app got updated with tablet support and some improvements. The iOS app would get virtual boarding point and live tracking features in coming weeks.

New features in 2.0 for Windows Phone 

  • Try out a completely fresh look of on windows phone 8.
  • Download all your bookings from to your device.
  • The new busBuddy feature:
  • busBuddy helps you manage your bookings easily from one place.
  • You can find the exact location and navigate to your boarding point on a map.
  • Call support for your travel related queries straight from the app.
  • Cancel your bookings straight from the app.

Download (Free) – iPhone | Windows Phone

Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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