Google Buys AdMob for $750 million

Google Admob

Google has announced that it has acquired the Mobile Ad Network AdMob for $750 Million. This acquisition will enhance Google’s foray into mobile advertising , while also giving advertisers and publishers more choice in this growing new mobile space.

In a statement, Google’s Susan Wojcicki, Vice President of Product Management, said that, “Mobile advertising has enormous potential as a marketing medium and while this industry is still in the early stages of development, AdMob has already made exceptional progress in a very short time. AdMob is the quintessential Silicon Valley startup — generating impressive year on year revenue growth — and we’re excited to welcome this talented team to Google”.

We have been continuously watching from past few months on how mobile space is growing, with great phones with full Internet browsers and vibrant app marketplaces coming out  and driving the mobile internet usage exponentially. And with great mobile advertising products and effective monetization of the mobile content we think it will skyrocket the growth of mobile internet further more.

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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik