Motorola took the world by surprise when it unveiled a surprisingly capable sibling to the higher end Moto X. The Moto G as it has been dubbed, brings together a 4.5 inch 720p display, a quad core Snapdragon 400 processor and the promise of fast Android updates to deliver a very compelling experience. The phone ships with Android 4.3 JellyBean onboard but will get an update to 4.4 KitKat in the beginning of 2014. The phone ships in both 8GB and 16GB versions. Given the lack of expandable storage, we’d recommend sticking to the 16GB version.
The GSM version of the Moto G will be available starting today in the US. The CDMA variant will however go on sale starting January. Moto G is also currently on sale in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, UK, Germany, France, and Canada. The phone is expected to ship in India early next year. India is also expected to get a Dual SIM along with Brazil. The phone is priced at $179 for the 8GB variant and $199 for the 16GB version.