Samsung Galaxy S4 Catching Fire video – Only barrier between uploader and replacement

Samsung Galaxy S4 is one hot phone. No! Seriously! Literally! Earlier this year, there were reports from Hong Kong that a Samsung Galaxy S4 had exploded and as a result a house caught fire. Now we have this – Samsung Galaxy S4 catches fire while charging. A YouTube user, Ghostlyrich, has uploaded a video of his Samsung Galaxy S4 that catches fire while charging via a Samsung provided charger. The video would have been silent had it not been for Samsung.



The phone was under warranty when the device caught fire and so the user wanted a replacement. Samsung agreed to send a replacement unit, but “only after the video has been taken down”. In reply to Samsung’s offer, the user has uploaded another video explaining Samsung’s ordeal which has harnessed twice the number of views as the original(600,000 views). In the video, the phone does not explode, but the charging port that caught fire is shown and that had made the device unusable. In addition to this, Samsung’s reply has been published on the Internet.



We have been hearing a few incidents with smartphones these days – recently a woman was electrocuted when charging her iPhone (later, it was found that the electrocution was a result of using a third party charging accessory), the Hong Kong Samsung Galaxy S4 incident mentioned above, and now this viral video. Hopefully, no more incidents take place.

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Author: Monish Kumar

Monish is passionate about smartphones who is also interested in User Experience and Design. He is currently using Samsung Galaxy S3. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+