Google certified Cyanogen Mod Oppo N1 shipping on Christmas Eve

Oppo N1 is the first Cyanogen Mod phone to have been approved by Google’s strict CTS, for compliance to Android compatibility and of course, inclusion of Google Play on this limited edition device. The Oppo N1 Cyanogen Mod Edition was announced as “coming in December” but never really got solid dates owing to the obvious roadblocks, but thanks to this recent development, Oppo has revealed that the device is shipping on Christmas Eve i.e December 24th of this year. This marks the first time in history that a popular third party AOSP ROM based phone is Google certified and is shown the green light. Cyanogen Mod’s Koushik Dutta happened to be relieved about the announcement, as his G+ post read

Google just approved our first CyanogenMod  phone

Man, the last 24 hours has been a total rollercoaster of emotions, and it isn’t letting up it seems.

Roller coaster ride indeed, because only this morning Google kicked out the super useful ROM Manager app out of the Play Store. No surprises as to who the developer is, behind that app. Google also passively kicked out the Cyanogen Mod installer out of the Play Store, citing various reasons. Amidst all this, it must be relieving for the folks at Cyanogen Mod to get the Oppo N1 just before Christmas. On the hardware side, the Oppo N1 is the huge phablet we recently reviewed, but with the default Color OS that comes with the International version. Now that Cyanogen Mod is officially approved for the device, we will be taking it for a spin to let you know how it works out, with all the extra features baked in. It should makes things interesting, as we hope CM handles scaling better than the Color OS version.

A small recap of our review –

At $599, the Oppo N1 increasingly looks like a great deal for any one in the market for a flagship phablet device. It’s cheaper than the Note 3 or the HTC One Max for example, but with obvious tradeoffs of the lack of expansion and stylus support. With the world moving towards bigger and bigger screens, Oppo might have taken their best bet in the form of the N1, which, along with excellent hardware and choice in software(thanks to Cyanogen Mod), makes it one of the best options out there.

You can read the full in-depth review here, or just watch our video review for a quick run through of the device –


Bharadwaj Chandramouli: Bharadwaj is a content creator who has been obsessed with technology since the early days of smartphones. He loves talking about tech, is a fan of good design and photography. You can follow him on Twitter @gadgetbuff_ to know what he's upto!
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