Samsung introduced the Galaxy S4 earlier this year with a 5-inch Super AMOLED 1080p Display. A recent report published by the Korean news portal, DDaily states that Samsung has already begun mass production of 5.25-inch 2560 × 1440 pixels AMOLED screens for the Galaxy S5. The display will use the ‘diamond’ pixel arrangement, similar to the Galaxy S4 and the Note 3, the report says.
Samsung already confirmed their plans to introduce 560ppi SuperAMOLED displays for next year and 4K smartphone displays in 2015. Samsung SM-G900S, a mysterious devices with a 2K (2560 x 1440 pixels) Quad HD display appeared on the GFXBench recently, which also revealed that the phone would use a Snapdragon 800 processor clocked at 2.5 GHz with a Adreno 330 GPU (probably MSM8974AC chip) and run Android 4.4 (KitKat) out of the box. It is also rumored to come with a 64-bit Exynos processor for the non-LTE variant, and the mass production is rumored to begin in January 2014.
LG announced a 5.5-inch 2560×1440 pixels Quad HD smartphone display few months back. A recent report reveals that the LG G3 would feature this Quad HD display and the phone would be powered by Octa-Core processor. Both these phones are likely to be unveiled after the MWC 2014.