Samsung has announced the Galaxy Camera 2, successor of the first Galaxy Camera. The Galaxy Camera 2 has a 16.3 Megapixel 1/2.3″ BSI CMOS sensor, 21x Optical Zoom Lens along with OIS support. It packs in a 4.8-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD Super Clear Touch Display with 308 ppi, powered by a 1.6 GHz Quad-Core processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). This has a lightweight, retro design, has WiFi and NFC but lacks 4G LTE or 3G support that was present in the first camera.
It also comes with pre-loaded Dropbox app with 50GB of free cloud storage for up to two years. Apart from 28 different pre-set modes, the Galaxy Camera 2 has Tag & Go feature to connect to NFC-enabled smartphones and devices easily. Other features include, S Voice, Smart Mode Suggest, New Smart Mode Selfie Alarm for self-portraits, Multi Motion Video and more.
Samsung Galaxy Camera 2 Specifications
- 4.8 inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD Super Clear Touch Display with 308 ppi
- 1.6 GHz Quad-core processor
- Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) with TouchWiz UI
- 16.3MP camera sensor with Xenon Flash, BSI Sensor, OIS, 23 mm Wide Angle, F2.8(W) ~ 5.9(T)
- 21x optical zoom
- Dimensions: 132.5 x 71.2 x 19.3 mm; Weight: 283g
- 2GB RAM, 8 GB internal memory (2.8GB user memory), expandable up to 64GB with microSD
- WiFi a/b/g/n, WiFi HT40, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS/GLONASS, NFC
- 2000 mAh battery
No word on pricing or availability yet. Samsung would showcase the Galaxy Camera 2 at CES from January 7th to 10th, 2014.