BBM Beta for Android brings BBM Voice and Channels

BBM Beta 2 for Android BBM Voice and Channels

BlackBerry has updated the BlackBerry Messenger Beta for Android that brings BBM Voice and BBM Channels to the Android app. BBM Voice was released on BBM for BlackBerry devices last year that lets users to call your BBM friends directly from the chat screen. BBM Channels was released for BlackBerry devices that lets you join conversations happening with the BBM community such as brands and communities.  It also brings faster and better sharing of photos to and  new emoticons. 

New features in BBM Beta 2

  • Faster, easier sharing of photos files
  • Increased group sizes in BBM Groups
  • New ways to Find Friends on BBM
  • Lots of New Emoticons
  • And more!

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BlackBerry already promised that both the BBM Voice and BBM Channels would be available for BBM for Android and iOS in 2014. The BlackBerry Beta is only available for a closed community from

It is not clear when the stable version of the Android app on the Google Play and the iOS app would get these new features.


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Author: Srivatsan Sridhar

Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram