Snappylabs, a one-man company that is known for the burst photography app called Snappycam, has been acquired by Apple, as per confirmation provided to Re/code. Apple’s A7 processor already enables super fast burst photography at 10 frames per second on the iPhone 5s, but from the looks of the acquisition, Apple might want to push for more with their default camera. The Snappycam app, which was recently pulled from the app store, could take up to 30 or even 60 fps high resolution images, which is pretty outstanding for a third party app. The company, which has now been acquired might pave the way for more camera innovation for the iPhone, at least from the software front.
The iPhone always has a pretty great camera, with the 5S recently getting nice little additions like 720p slow motion and super fast burst capture, but competition has been advancing vastly. The Lumia PureView cameras, the LG G2, the Oppo N1 and several other phones have ensured that the space gets enough action and constant one-upping, so it’s on Apple to deliver something great for the next iPhone, which might have led to this acquisition. Like several of its earlier acquisitions, this will be hopefully seen as an implementation soon enough. These are bread crumbs for guessing the features of the next iPhone, so bookmark this somewhere, may be.
Source Re/code